Tuesday 30 April 2013

Chocolate Nut Roll

Chocolate Nut Roll
  • Chocolate 250 gm
  • Walnut 100 gm (chopped)
  • Pistachio 100 gm (chopped)
  • Almond 100 gm (chopped)
  • Raisin 100 gm
  • Cream 1/2 cup
  • Vanilla essence 1/2 tsp
  • Cornflakes 1/2 cup
  1. In a pan, heat chocolate with cream and vanilla essence.
  2. Cool and add cornflakes, chopped almonds, chopped pistachios, chopped walnuts and raisin.
  3. Pour this mixture in a polythene bag, roll and chill till firm.
  4. Then cut into slices and serve.

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