Tuesday 16 April 2013

Liver sauteed with Potatoes (Russian Cuisine)

Liver sauteed with Potatoes

  • Potatoes: 2 (may Queen, or potatoes that fry well)
  • Unsalted butter (A): 20 g
  • Salt and black pepper: a little of each
  • Liver: 200 g (pork or veal according to your priorities. sliced)
  • Onions: 2
  • Wine vinegar: 1 tablespoon
  • Basalmico vinegar: 1 tablespoon
  • Olive oil: 2 tablespoons
  • Unsalted butter (B): 30 g
  • Unsalted butter (C): 20 g
  • Light flour, salt, black pepper: a little of each
  • Parsley: a little (finely chopped)
  • Garlic: a little (finely chopped)
  • Black pepper: to taste (coarsely ground)
  1. Peel onions, cut in half, cut across and along and chop into 7~8 mm wide pieces.
  2. Transfer into an oven dish. Add a little salt and 2 tablespoons of olive oil (not included in the ingredients). Mix well. Wrap it closed with some cellophane paper.
  3. Cook inside microwave oven for 5~7 minutes at 600 W.
  4. This step will help the onions to sweeten up and will improve the overall taste.
  5. Peel the potatoes. Boil them as they are. Once cooked, cut them into 1 cm thick slices.
  6. In a frypan melt unsalted butter (A), fry the potatoes lightly into it. Season with salt and black pepper. Transfer in a separate hot dish for keeping.
  7. In the same fry-pan melt unsalted butter (b) and fry the onions in it until they get lightly brown and sweet. Transfer into a separate hot dish for keeping.
  8. Coat the sliced liver with a little salt, black pepper and flour. In the same frypan melt unsalted butter (C) with the olive oil and saute the liver in it.
  9. Once the liver slices are properly cooked on both sides, add the blsamico vinegar and saute for a while to allow the balsamico vinegar to penetrate into the liver. Transfer into a separate dish.
  10. In the same frypan transfer the onions back and fry them into the juices laying at the bottom of your frypan. Saute them to let them absorb those juices. Add wine vinegar and sautee long enough for the final touch.
  11. On a serving plate, first lay the sliced potatoes.
  12. Lay the onions over the potatoes.
  13. Lay the liver over the onions.
  14. Think of presentation when arranging them on the plate. Look at pic above!
  15. Season the whole by sprinkling the chopped leeks, chopped garlic and coarsely ground black pepper.
  16. Serve

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